Επιτροπή Ερευνών Π.Ι.

IMI 2 Open Info Day

IMI is holding an Open Info Day on its new IMI 2-Call 1 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Brussels, Belgium on Tuesday 30 September 2014.

Registration is now open. To sign up, please complete and submit the form found in the link below

Complete your registration to select your preferences for workshops, arranging specific networking meetings with other participants during the event and making a '90-second elevator pitch' during your selected workshop to attract potential partners. Registration is free but obligatory and space is limited.

The day will include an overview of:

  • IMI 2’s funding and intellectual property (IP) rules
  • tips on applying for funding under IMI 2
  • workshops and presentations of the IMI 2 -Call 1 topics by the project coordinator

In addition, there will be plenty of networking opportunities and IMI staff will be on hand to answer questions relating to the new Call topics and the IMI 2 application procedures.

IMI warmly encourages small and medium-sized enterprises, mid-cap businesses, patient organisations, regulatory authorities, academic teams, industry, hospitals and other organisations with an interest in IMI projects to take part in the Open Info Day.

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