Επιτροπή Ερευνών Π.Ι.


Specific challenge: The specific challenge is to address networking gaps and deficiencies between the research institutions of the low performing Member States and regions and internationally-leading counterparts at EU level. Driven by the quest for excellence, research intensive institutions tend to collaborate increasingly in closed groups, producing a crowding-out effect for a large number of promising institutions. This is the challenge that a specific Twinning action will try to address.

Scope: Twinning aims at significantly strengthening a defined field of research in a particular knowledge institution (a research active university or a public research organisation) by creating a link between this institution and at least two internationally-leading research institutions in other Member States. Twinning will:

•Enhance the S&T capacity of the linked institutions;

•Help raise staff’s research profile as well as the one of the institutions involved.


-          At least three research institutions from 3 Member States or Associated Countries

-    The Applicant must come from one of the low performing research countries, that is from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia


Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Moldavia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey (provided an association agreement is signed with the EU).

-          At least two internationally-leading research intensive counterparts established in at least two different Member States or Associated Countries other than that of the applicant organization.

Please visit the following link to check news on association agreements:


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