This consultation is launched by the European Commission's Network Technologies Unit in Directorate General Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT). The purpose is to gather opinions and views on future Network Technologies & Internet of Things (IoT) research and innovation challenges that need to be addressed in the second EU Horizon 2020 Work Programe, covering the 2016-2017 period . We are seeking for input from relevant experts and stakeholders based on a set of specific questions.
Network technologies and systems are the backbone of the digital economy, and globally considered as a strategic resources. Because of the restless growth of networked digital applications and usages, these infrastructures are faced with multiple challenges which are expected to require further technological advances to be solved, under ever increasing constraints related to cost, resource efficient usage, energy consumption and downstream innovation potential.
Two main classes of requirements are driving the development of better network technologies:
- The requirements related to limitations encountered with the natural growth of today's existing usages;
- The requirements related to the need to introduce novel usages and use cases, typically not or very little developed on networks today (e.g. IoT, car to car communications, super high definition video, etc.).
These requirements are driving research in a multiplicity of domains, and with a large spread of industrial and research stakeholders, increasingly extending into domains outside of the core telecom sector actors, e.g. IT or micro electronics industries.
In addition, the Internet of Things represents a very promising domain which will further expand the usages of network infrastructures. The IoT has specific research challenges, primarily related to cost of systems, and to the wide multiplicity of system components that have to be put together and integrated such that complete ecosystems can be developed, similarly to mobile ecosystems of todays that developed through aggregation of multiple technologies (networks, cloud service platforms, OS, sensor technologies, network technologies..). In that context, interoperability and multi context technologies are needed, whilst downstream deployment will require innovative approaches towards large scale pilots.
In light of the above, the purpose of this consultation is to:
- Identify the most promising technological developments that should be subject of research or innovation support under the next Horizon2020 work programme, both for future networks and IoT systems, and in view of contributing to the competitiveness of European industry;
- Identify the technologies that may be seen as "roadmap based", and those that may be seen as more "disruptive";
- Identify the opportunities for innovation;
- Identify the requirements for large scale trials and testbeds and their added value;
- Identify cross cutting issues and benefits.
The following list of topics may be considered to respond to this consultation, though not prescriptive, nor limitative:
- Radio access
- Radio backhaul
- Fixed access (optical, satellite)
- Optical networking
- Core network
- Network management and security
- Cognitive radio
- Integration networks-clouds
- IoT sensor technology
- IoT platform
- IoT management, security
- IoT architecture
- IoT interop, semantic
- IoT naming addressing
More Information and relevant questions can be found in the following link.