Επιτροπή Ερευνών Π.Ι.

Horizon 2020 – Network Technologies Inducement Prizes Online consultation

This consultation is launched by the European Commission Network Technologies unit in Directorate General Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT). The purpose is to gather opinions and views on the definition and targets that have been tentatively set for two inducement prizes dealing with "collaborative sharing of spectrum" and with "breaking the optical transmission barriers", both prizes aiming at significant breakthrough in relation to current roadblocks encountered by wireless and optical networks respectively.

In the context of the new research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, the European Commission has put strong emphasis on innovation actions, as a needed complement to more classical research actions. A new set of tools have been defined to support innovation actions, one of them being "inducement prizes".

Inducement prizes refer to a funding scheme where first a technological, social or scientific challenge is defined and an award promised for the delivered breakthrough solution. The concept of prizes that reward the achieving of a predefined goal in the future is very flexible and effective. Compared with traditional funding tools, prizes reduce the entry barriers and help to mobilise new talents. They can be tailored to complement traditional incentive instruments, such as grants and scholarships, to spark research into problems which are of critical importance to Europe's future. 

More Information, Draft Inducement Prizes texts and the questions for each can be found in the following link.

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