Επιτροπή Ερευνών Π.Ι.

Call for Proposals CONNECT2SEA - European and South East Asian ICT

Opportunity for European and South East Asian ICT teams to initiate and to broaden ICT R&D collaboration: CONNECT2SEA call for proposals is open! Individual Travel Grants and Event/Cooperation Grants are available.

The CONNECT2SEA project launches a call for proposals for European and South East Asian R&D ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) teams to initiate and to broaden ICT R&D collaboration.

CONNECT2SEA is a Support Action funded under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration, aiming at promoting synergies between ICT-related research, development and innovation actors, activities and programmes in EU and in South East Asia.

This call addresses bottom up collaboration initiatives, offering Individual Travel Grants (up to 2 000 Euros) as well as Event or Cooperation Grants (up to 10 000 Euros). It is expected to provide 10-20 grants. ICT specialists based in EU and H2020 associated countries, and in South East Asia, shall be supported in advancing in the internationalisation process with their counterparts working on similar strategic topics and societal challenges.

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