About the Info Day
The Third EU Health Programme 2014-2020 (http://ec.europa.eu/health/programme/policy/2014-2020/state_of_play_en.htm ) was adapted by the Council of the EU and the European Parliament on 11th March 2014. The purpose of this Info Day is to inform about the main features of the Third Health Programme and how it can contribute to foster health in Europe by encouraging cooperation between Member States to improve the health policies that benefit their citizens.
The Info Day will provide an overview of the Third Health Programme and give an opportunity to stakeholders to ask questions and learn more on its design and practical implementation, in particular:
- What is the overall aim of this programme and what is new if compared to previous programmes?
- What is the EU added value?
- What are the objectives and priorities foreseen?
- Who can benefit from the programme?
- What is the available budget and what are the financial mechanisms involved?
- How will the programme be implemented?
The Info Day will bring together potential beneficiaries of the programme, health institutions and organisations, non-governmental organisations, academia active in the field of health, health professionals, national and regional authorities, representation offices, professional groups, business operators, international organisations active in the field of health and other relevant stakeholders.
You will also be able to follow the Info Day via web streaming. The link will be activated 15 minutes before the start of the programme. Web Streaming at: https://scic.ec.europa.eu/streaming/index.php?es=2&sessionno=c8da655dbb57d68ec776f214a7908b6d