Επιτροπή Ερευνών Π.Ι.

HORIZON ICT: Preproposal service for Objectives 15, 17 and 22a

If you intend to prepare a proposal for any of the above objectives (ICT 15 - Big data and Open Data Innovation and take-up; ICT 17 - Cracking the language barrier; or ICT 22 Multimodal and Natural computer interaction (action a), the EC offers a facility to allow a proposer to check on the appropriateness of their proposed action, and the eligibility of the proposal consortium (see disclaimer below). You are invited to send us, by e-mail, a brief description of your intended proposal. You will receive our feedback on the relevance of your ideas within a few working days. Please send your request any time up to four weeks before the close of a call.

Your outline description should consist of three pages maximum. You are welcome to send it by e-mail to the G3 Mailbox with the mention "Preproposal enquiry Call XX" in the subject field, indicating the Call number under which you intend to submit your proposal


The advice given by the EC is strictly informal and non-binding. Only one pre-proposal check will be carried out per proposal. The advice provided through the pre-proposal check does not in any way engage the EC with respect to acceptance or rejection of the proposal when it is formally submitted at a later stage. The evaluators who later evaluate your proposal will not be informed of the results of the pre-proposal check, nor even that a pre-proposal check was carried out. The pre-proposal check is not intended to assist with the identification of possible partners for your consortium.

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