Clean Sky aims to incorporate Partners to address very specific tasks which fit into the overall technical Work Programme and time schedule. Due to the nature of these tasks, the Call is not set up using a set of themes, but it is conceived as a collection of very detailed Topics. The Call text therefore consists of a set of topic fiches, and each Topic fiche addresses the following points:
- Topic manager (not to be published)
- Indicative start and Indicative End Dates of the activity
- Description of the task
- Indicative length of the proposal (where applicable)
- Specific skills required from the applicant
- Major deliverables and schedule
- ·Maximum Topic Budget value
- ·Remarks (where applicable)
The maximum allowed Topic budget relates to the total scope of work. A Maximum funding is also indicated. The topic value represents an eligibility criterion for the proposal.
Depending on the nature of the participant, the funding will be between 50% and 75% of the Topic maximum budget indicated. It has to be noted that the Topic budget excludes VAT, as this is not eligible within the frame of Clean Sky. The proposal value must be within the threshold of the topic!
Experience requested in various topics lies among the following research fields:
- Material Science
- Electronics, Sensors
- Computational Modeling and Optimization
- Compilers
Applicable technologies target Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6: System/Subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment (space or ground)