This summer, the European Commission and the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Regional Office in Brussels signed a Direct Agreement for the implementation of the project REHEALTH 2 which aims to test the further use of the Personal Health Record - a tool designed to integrate migrants and refugees in EU health systems.
REHEALTH 2 follows on from the first REHEALTH project which developed the electronic Personal Health Record (E-PHR) and platform and piloted it in four EU countries - Greece, Italy, Croatia and Slovenia. Both projects are co-funded through the EU Health Programme 2014-2020.
The Personal Health Record includes all health data and information of incoming migrants and refugees in one document, giving health professionals a comprehensive view of each individual's health status and needs. It is a personal and confidential document covered by European and national regulations on data protection.
By implementing the PHR/ePHR in at least six countries, REHEALTH 2 will test the feasibility of extending it further, to integrate more newly-arrived migrants and refugees, including those who will be relocated, into health systems in the EU. Specific actions include:
- Developing a revised version of the PHR/e-PHR
- Consolidating the use of the tool and its electronic version
- Producing migrants’ health status reports
- Promoting optimal health care provision
REHEALTH 2 will contribute to the EU Migration Agenda, the New Skills Agenda for Europe, and the Action Plan on the Integration of Third Country Nationals. It will also contribute to the EU Digital Agenda, by consolidating the use of the PHR and the electronic version (e-PHR) as a single tool for refugees' and migrants' health assessments in EU countries.
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