ERC Update
ERC news
- ERC Starting Grants: €485 million to 325 top researchers across Europe (8 September)
- Fellowships launched to encourage potential ERC grantees (1 September)
- New ERC Scientific Council members appointed (9 August)
ERC stories
Events with ERC participation
- EuCheMS Congress (11-15 September, Seville, Spain)
- ERC NCP information day (14 September, Rome, Italy)
- ERC NCP information day (16 September, Brussels, Belgium)
Open calls
- ERC 2016 Proof of Concept call (deadline: 4 October)
- ERC 2017 Starting Grant call (deadline: 18 October)
- Call for expression of interest open to all ERC grantees: ERC=Science² campaign calls for grantees to participate in campus outreach events
Social media
Find out more about ERC projects results on the ERC Facebook page and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
To read articles about the ERC and its funded research, consult our ERC in the press section.