Επιτροπή Ερευνών Π.Ι.

Europa Media Newsletter - November 2015

Welcome to our November newsletter!

This month Europa Media is off to great new starts: on the training side, last month we have tested our latest training concept, “The Lab”, in our Budapest offices. A limited number of participants were admitted and have been able to delve into detailed technical and financial issues of implementing FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects, thanks to five intense days of presentations, workshops and interaction with our trainers Gabor, Ömer and Gabriella. The feedback we have received showed that it has been a very successful experience, so Europa Media will repeat it in March 2016 and will also adapt this training concept to proposal development. Participants’ feedback also brought in some new ideas, so be prepared because the LABs in 2016 will be even better and unbeatable in efficiency!

You may start marking your calendar, because our 2016 Training Calendar will be published next week. Registrations will also open soon – stay tuned!

If you are excited about the recently published and upcoming calls and cannot wait for 2016 (and why should you?) to polish your proposal writing skills, we are pleased to let you know that there are still a few places available for our Horizon 2020 Proposal Development course in Brussels on 26-27 November: check thedescription and agenda and feel free to drop us a message for more information.

The project management side has been just as eventful: our project managers Liliya and Gabriella have travelled to Vienna for the second progress meeting of theLinkTADs project, in which Europa Media is partner. Krisztina and Valentina, on the other hand, have organised and conducted a Networking Session within the ICT2015 event, on behalf of the project MY-WAY, which Europa Media is coordinating. Their latest blog posts will tell you more about both trips.

Europa Media also has a new training assignment: under a contract with the European Commission, we will train Cypriot civil servants on proposal development and project management under EU programmes. We will tell more on this in our upcoming blog post in November.

November can also inaugurate new plans for your research activities, as the Horizon 2020 Work Programmes for 2016-2017 have been officially released. Check our News section for links to those calls that are already open for submission.

We hope to see you in Brussels at our Proposal Development training course – otherwise, enjoy November!

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