Επιτροπή Ερευνών Π.Ι.

[society] Press release "Trust Conference" for your national press

Dear SSH colleague,


This is just to inform you that the conference entitled ‘Trust: European Research Co-creating Resilient Societies’ (http://www.trust-conference.eu/en/themen.php ) taking place in Brussels on 29th & 30th October, which is being co-organised by NET4SOCIETY, will be streamed live at the following site: http://www.trust-conference.eu/en/288.php  . A recording of the two-day conference will also be available from that page after the event.


The Friday morning session includes discussions on various themes of the 2016-17 Work Programme for Societal Challenge 6 (the SSH element of HORIZON 2020) which we circulated recently.


I am forwarding you these links for your potential interest.

With kind regards,



Henry Scott
National Documentation Centre, EKT/NHRF
Vas. Konstantinou Ave. 48,
Athens, 11635, Greece
ph: 0030 210 727 3926
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