Επιτροπή Ερευνών Π.Ι.

H2020-ICT-2015-4 Forthcoming Call for Proposals for Customized and Low Power Computing

A key structural change overtaking computing is the move towards a low-power computing continuum spanning embedded systems, mobile devices, desktops, data centres, etc. The demand for low-power multi/many-core computing systems is intensifying across all market segments.

Capitalising on Europe's industrial and technology strengths in low power computing and embedded and cyber-physical systems, the objective is to strengthen European competitiveness in the key parts of the emerging computing value chain. With the wider diffusion of embedded ICT and cyber-physical systems, security becomes increasingly important to be addressed across all levels starting from secure and trusted zones supported on hardware and software level.

For further reference, please check the summary of the workshop on Fostering Innovation for Cyber-Physical Systems, Advanced Computing and Manufacturing.


All the presentations are published in: http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/events/cf/cps-acm/stream-items.cfm?id=243

For useful information you can also check the presentation: "Cyber-Physical Systems and Advanced Computing – opportunities in H2020", which you will find here.

Practical information:

Call expected publication date: 2014-10-14

Call expected deadline: 2015-04-15

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