Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Enterprise Dynamics

Entrepreneurship, innovation and enterprise dynamics are at the core of technology development and growth. Comparative evidence on key drivers, patterns and trends, as well as framework conditions, and the way these shape entrepreneurship, innovation and enterprise dynamics is critical for the design of effective policies in support of employment and inclusive economic growth.

The OECD Working Party on Industry Analysis (WPIA) is promoting the use of comparative firm-level evidence for policy making and is organising this conference in collaboration with Small Business Economics (SBE), the Journal of Technology Transfer (JTT) and the European Commission Joint Research Centre "Institute for Prospective Technological Studies" (JRC- IPTS) to gather comparative cross-country evidence about:

  • new business venture formation
  • the role of framework conditions in fostering entrepreneurial activities
  • the determinants and outcomes of firms' innovative activities
  • business and innovation dynamics
  • resource reallocation and growth
  • determinants and patterns of post-entry firm growth performance. your social media marketing partner