EUREKA Innovation Event

EUREKA Innovation Event

The EUREKA Innovation Event will provide an opportunity to network in an international environment at the B2B Meetings and give an insight into the benefits of EUREKA’s activities. The Swiss Innovation Forum will showcase Switzerland’s innovation system and the factors that make Switzerland a leader in innovation. Innovative cooperation ideas resulting from the two day programme will be gathered with a selection developed into EUREKA projects during the Swiss Chairmanship and rolled out in the shape of new products and services in the following years.


Information and Communication Technologies, Industrial Products andMa nufacturing and Bio- and Medical Technologies are the main topics in the EUREKA project portfolio. Companies and research institutions along the value chain of these technical domains are the target group for the EUREKA Innovation Event.


EUREKA is an intergovernmental organisation composed of 43 countries (including Greece) and the European Commission. From July 2014 until June 2015 Switzerland is chairing EUREKA for the second time, 20 years after its first Chairmanship. EUREKA facilitates the international coordination of national funding for market-driven R&D. It aims to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of businesses in Europe and in partner countries beyond. Following a bottom-up approach with projects and initiatives in any technological area with a civilian purpose, EUREKA has been a driving force of innovation in Europe for 30 years. EUREKA’s four complementary instruments will be open to support project ideas resulting from the EUREKA Innovation Event.

EUREKA projects: Small projects involving at least two participants from two EUREKA member countries supported by national funding instruments. (four submission deadlines in 2015)

EUREKA‘s Eurostars Programme: The first European joint funding and support programme of EUREKA and the European Commission specifically dedicated to projects of research-performing SME. (two submission deadlines in 2015)

EUREKA clusters: Long-term, strategically-significant projects that develop generic technologies of key importance to European competitivenesssupported by national funding instruments. (eight submission deadlines in 2015).

EUREKA Umbrellas: Cross-border thematic networks which focus on assistance to project generation in a specific technology area or business sector

For the benefit of actors at the EUREKA Innovation Event EUREKA closely cooperates with complementary partner networks. EUREKA has cultivated a long standing partnership with COST and memorandums of understanding have been signed with EEN and ERRIN. The cooperation intends to ensure that participants at the event get the best possible support in order to realise their project ideas. your social media marketing partner