In the framework of the Future Networks Academy (FNA) project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme grant,
Mines Nancy (TechL@b, Université de Lorraine) is currently working on the 1st milestone for Future Network Academy, which is a Market Analysis for a broad audience (academia, industry, policymakers, students, etc).
The team involved in this project created a short Survey and based on its results, will tailor project's training activities for these different categories.
We would like to share the survey's link with partners engaged in ICT, IT, and general technology/engineering areas. However, the survey is also open to people from any field interested in the topic, because the project's team is also curious about the general public's familiarity. Here's the information and the survey link
Thank you in advance for forwarding this survey before September 30th to all your researchers, students and interested contacts !