Digitising European Industry - Reaping the full benefits of a Digital Single Market


The European Commission set out today the path to ensure the European Industry reaps the full benefits of the a Digital Single Market.



- helping coordinate national and regional initiatives on digitising industry by maintaining a continuous EU-wide dialogue with all actors involved. A governance framework will be set up with Member States and industry.

- focussing investments in EU's public-private partnerships and strongly encouraging the use of the opportunities offered by the EU Investment Plan and European Structural and Investment Funds.

- investing €500 million in a pan-EU network of digital innovation hubs (centres of excellence in technology) where businesses can obtain advice and test digital innovations.

- setting up large-scale pilot projects to strengthen internet of things, advanced manufacturing and technologies in smart cities and homes, connected cars or mobile health services.

- adopting future-proof legislation that will support the free flow of data and clarify ownership of data generated by sensors and smart devices. The Commission will also review rules on safety and liability of autonomous systems.

- presenting an EU skills agenda that will help give people the skills needed for jobs in the digital age.

- the Commission will progressively put in place, by 2020, a large scale European high performance computing, data and network infrastructure, including by acquiring two prototype next-generation supercomputers of which one would rank among the top three in the world, establishing a European big data centre, and upgrading the backbone network for research and innovation (GEANT).

- on e-government, the Commission adopted an action plan that includes, among others, a one-stop shop e-justice portal, a pilot project to apply the "once-only" principle for businesses across borders, providing help to EU Member States to develop cross-border e-health services such as e-prescriptions.

- the Commission will speed up the standard setting speed for 5G, cloud computing, internet of things, data technologies and cybersecurity.

- the Commission will launch, in 2018 a flagship project to explore quantum technologies, which promise to solve computational problems that are beyond the capacity of current supercomputers.



- Follow the press conference by Commissioners Ansip, Oettinger, and Moedas.

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-- #BigData in spotlight. @EU_Commission presents the European #Cloud Initiative http://bit.ly/DigitiseEU #DigitiseEU http://pic.twitter.com/sB3uilm3iB

-- EU sets up 5 priority areas for #ICTstandards: #5G, #cloud computing, #IoT, data tech & #cybersecurity http://bit.ly/DigitiseEU #DigitiseEU

-- EU will set up a pilot project to apply the #onceonly principle for businesses across borders http://bit.ly/DigitiseEU #DigitiseEU #egov

-- @EU_Commission sets out path to digitise European industry http://bit.ly/DigitiseEU #DigitiseEU http://pic.twitter.com/g1BEGuVx0V



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Press release on Digitising European industry

Press release on European Cloud Initiative

Digitising European Industry - Q&A

Communication: Digitising European Industry

Communication: European Cloud Initiative

Communication: ICT Standardisation Priorities for the Digital Single Market

Communication: EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020

Staff working document: European High-Performance Computing strategy 

Staff working document on Quantum Technologies

Staff Working Document - Advancing the Internet of Things in Europe

Brochure on Digitising European Industry

Infographic on Digitising European Industry

Infographic on European Cloud Initiative

Map overview of Digitising European Industry Initiatives across Europe

Background documents

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