FIWARE Smart Society FIWARE Excellence ChallengeΣ winners

During the FIWARE Multi-Site Event, the prizes of the Smart Society Challenge have been awarded. The Challenge focused on the development of the most innovative applications for societal purposes, for instance apps for education, health care or social inclusion.

In Seville, the jury valued the work of 18 teams, which have received training and have collaborated with FIWARE architects to improve their prototypes during the whole week.

In Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the FIWARE Excellence Challenge awarded its prizes in the week of 13-17 October 2014. Most of the participants have already participated in different FIWARE Challenges, such as the Campus Party in Brazil. All of them were good enough to be awarded and met the requirements of the challenges, the first and most important one, using FIWARE technologies to develop their prototypes.

It has been a week of excitement and hard work. Working hand in hand with FIWARE architects, the teams assured very high quality presentations. your social media marketing partner