Project “Make it ReAAL” is looking for associate partners. Info event

About ReAAL

Whether health, safety, comfort, social integration or support of mobility – assistance might be needed in any possible aspect of daily life. From an investment point of view, the AAL market should allow individuals in danger of losing independence to pick the set of applications and services of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) over time in conjunction with actual needs, as they arise. Open platforms are supposed to be the enabler for such gradual system evolution and support products and services to become more affordable, future-proof, adaptable, and accessible.

ReAAL investigates these assumptions via a number of pilots, each with a different focus. If the platform’s usefulness can be shown and the related technical knowledge is spread to an associated community of interest, a self-organizing AAL ecosystem will emerge, from which diverse stakeholders will benefit: application and technology vendors, service providers, public authorities and policy makers, sponsors, and the consumer masses, foremost those people who wish to be able to avoid dependency on nursing homes, preferring to continue to live independently in their own homes.

Partnership opportunities

The following types of partnership are possible:

Associated Pilot

A non-member existing piloting initiative(represented by its lead partner) can become an associated pilot if it is considering to perform real-life experiments with the universAAL platform.

Associated Vendor

An associated vendor is a vendor who wants to adapt one or more of its products to the universAAL platform, e.g. in order to have the chance that its products are used by member or associated pilots.

Associated Project

An R&D Project that has decided to use the universAAL platform as the integration framework for their R&D can ensure technical Support through a partnership with ReAAL even if they are not a piloting project.

Possibility for partial funding of associated pilots

In March 2014, the ReAAL Steering Board made a proposal to the European Commission for using the floating part of the project budget for providing some funding to European associated pilots under certain circumstances. This proposal was finally accepted with the following conditions:

  • funding can be provided only to existing initiatives with ensured financing for all costs other than the eligible costs explicitly specified further below;
  • the piloting concept must include at least two “universAALized” applications, each with minimum three months of universAAL-based operation within ReAAL timeframes; and
  • they must use the ReAAL multidimensional evaluation framework in the same manner like the member pilot sites and provide the same kind of evaluation reports.


Info Event

Funding "associated pilots" by ReAAL: The info event at AAL Forum

Side-event at AAL Forum on September 9, 2014, 13:00 – 16:00

Palace of the parliament – Bucharest, Romania your social media marketing partner