Call opened: marine biotechnology in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Processing

The consortia of COFASP (Cooperation in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Processing) and MBT (Marine Biotechnology ERA-Net) launch a Joint Transnational Call together.

The joint call brings COFASP and MBT themes closer and will support research and innovative projects that facilitate the use of new biotechnological approaches and toolbox development, which have the potential to solve challenges and enable innovation within fisheries, aquaculture and seafood processing sectors.

Pre-registration deadline: April 22, 2016

Proposal submission deadline: June 20, 2016

Start of the projects: February 1, 2017

See more details at the COFASP website.

If you have already downloaded the call documents, then please note that the documents were updated 11 April 2016 as it is now confirmed that Iceland is participating in the call. your social media marketing partner