[society] FW: Next meeting of Participant Portal external user group 27/5/2015, live stream and forum

Dear NCPs, 

The Commission organises a next session of the external user group for the Participant Portal on 27 May 2015, 14.00-17.00. Like the earlier meetings, this session will be broadcast over the Internet via a live stream and remote users can participate in the discussion via a Web forum.

The main agenda points will be a) Improvements to  the front office of the beneficiary register and b) ideas for a potential future partner search service for forming H2020 consortia

The hyperlink to the live stream, the final agenda and the access to the Web forum will be made available a few days before the meeting here:
https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/forums/research/participants/portal/viewforum.php?f=32 (generic password: "forum") 

We would be grateful if you could distribute this information among your constituencies.

Best regards,
Secretariat to the Head of Unit

European Commission

DG Research & Innovation

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